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DIY | Captain hook costume

Every year there is a big carnival in Aalborg in Denmark. I have been to the carnival last and this year. I think it is hilarious to dress up, go in the parade and hear a lot of good music. This year I dressed up as captain hook and my friends were other carats from Peter Pan.

I take great pride in using stuff from second hand shops and then change it and thereby give it new life. Therefore many of the things from there. What I think is important to captain hook costume is the red jacket he has on. I was therefore really happy when I found this dress where the top part is a kind of jacket. The dress comes from Eurofashion and was made in England.

I started to remove the lower parts so there was only the part with the jacket back. Then I could see that the jacket was very loose on me, therefore I sewed the jacket in under the breasts and in the sides. I did it by taking the jacket reverse on and then put needles where it was needed to sew it to get it fitted. Then I turned it right back and stitched where the needles was.

Then I made a big triangle in the bottom of the back of the jacket because there is also such an on Captain hook jacket. This I did by cutting a piece up the jacket and then sew the two flaps up so there is a triangle free. Finally I sew the bottom up so it looks nice.

Captain hook also has a red hat with a white feather. That I made by taking a straw hat and spray paint it red and then glue a white feather on.

I have also bought a claw and a sword in a toy store. so was my costume complete.

I hope you like my costume. You can see a video I made of the carnival on my youtube page. Then head over and watch it and subscribe to my channel and give me a like if you like it ❤

Love and adventure



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